Quick Sewing Project

Yesterday I made new curtains for the large window in our living room. Three panels of white cotton for less than $15 and it took me under an hour! 🙂 I discovered 4 years ago while trying to find curtains for our first apartment that Walmart sells flat bed sheets separately. I think back then they cost about $2 for a single twin size flat sheet, and I easily made these dark red curtains, which we have been able to use in all three of the houses we’ve lived in.

I still like the color and the fabric has held up well, but I wanted to brighten up the living room and so once again I went to Walmart. I think each sheet is $5.96 now, but that’s still way cheaper and buying actual curtains, and even cheaper than buying raw fabric. Another bonus is that all the edges are already finished, and all you have to do is fold the top over and sew it to make a pocket for the curtain rod! The length of the sheet is great for standard windows… I like my curtains to have a couple inches on the ground. If you wanted them shorter it would be super easy to hem them though. 🙂
So in about a half hour they went from this:

To this:


Each sheet came in a little pocket made out of the same fabric, with a snap. These made perfect tie backs! I just cut around all the seems so it laid flat, trimmed the it to about 3 inches wide, sewed it up along the cut edge, turned it right side out so the seam was inside, and just like that I had matching ties with little snaps 🙂

20130320-093522.jpg I’m pleased with how it turned out. It really brightens up the room and lets in a lot more sunlight! Now I want to do the same kind of curtains for the office, guest room, and the second kitchen window. 🙂

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