The Whiskers in the Sink

As I was brushing my teeth this morning I looked down into the sink and saw that it was covered with the stubble Josh shaved off this morning before work. With a wave of annoyance I started cleaning, and then I thought, “If something happened to him and he didn’t ever come home again, you’d wish you had him here leaving messes for you to clean up!” I get annoyed because it seems uncaring for him to just leave a mess like that, but is it really uncaring? It dawned on me suddenly that it had nothing to do with how much he cares. He got up at 5:30 this morning thinking about his work day today, which involves balancing 20ft up in the air while building a ceiling into an old barn.

He owns the remodeling company so it’s up to him to plan every little thing that will go on today. He wasn’t thinking about wiping up the sink when he finished shaving. And you know what? He got up at 5:30 this morning without waking me, made coffee, turned up the heater so I wouldn’t be cold when I got up, and then came back to bed, snuggled up against me and woke me up with sweet kisses. Now that’s a good way to wake up! ๐Ÿ˜‰
I, on the other hand, got up at 6:15, poured myself some coffee, made breakfast and lunch for him to take, and began thinking about cleaning the house. My whole focus today is cleaning the house, therefore I notice all the little messes. His whole focus is planning a dangerous day of work in order to provide for us, therefore he overlooked a minor mess. Big deal!!

~ Josh on the scaffolding in the barn he’s working on. ~
It’s always good to put things in perspective when a loved one does something to annoy you. Chances are very good they didn’t do it on purpose, that they didn’t even know they did it, and that if you mentioned it nicely they would do their best not to do it any more.

So yeah, I’m not annoyed at the whiskers in the sink any more this morning. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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