31 Days to Clean Challenge Days 13-14

Well it’s been a while, but I’m back! Life has been a bit hectic lately!

Days 13 and 14 were about Fighting Fatigue & The Secret To Having Energy

I think we all have those days when we wake up tired (like, almost every day!). Making sure we get enough sleep is important for our health as well as for productivity, but if you are starting the day already feel like going back to bed, here are a few suggestions (from the 31 Days book but with additions from me).
First, start your day with prayer. It will set the tone for the entire day.
Next, Get Moving. Lounging around because you are tired will only make you more tired (something my mom used to tell me a lot). It’s true! Get up, exercise, play with the kids, go for a brisk walk outside, do something that gets you moving. It’ll wake up your brain and your body at the same time. Another thing that helps, as I’ve written about before in my post Embracing Your Beauty is to get dressed in clothes that make you feel good, fix your hair, put on some makeup or do something to make yourself feel pretty. It is amazing the effect that will have on your mental state. You will feel energized and ready to tackle the day. And it doesn’t have to take very long either.
Only Get The Sleep You Need
Too much sleep can leave you feeling sluggish instead of rested. Maybe try experimenting with your sleep patterns. Write down when you feel most rested.
Increase Your Magnesium
Studies have shown that magnesium deficiencies can cause you to have higher heart rates and to need more oxygen, in essence, it makes your body work harder which can leave you feeling depleted. The recommended daily intake of magnesium for women is 300 milligrams.
Have A Snack!
Having a handful of pumpkin seeds, almonds or other nuts can give you a boost of energy. One of my favorite snacks is almonds and raisins with a glass of milk. It is best to soak your nuts, grains and some seeds before eating, but that is for another post.

What is Day 14’s Secret To Having Energy?

Allow yourself to do something you feel jazzed about.
Simple, right? Think of something you really love to do, that makes you come alive, and make some time to do it! For me that could be something like going for a walk in the woods behind our property, getting out my camera, doing a DIY project for the house, horseback riding, or just dancing around the house to some good music. Sometimes these things can be combined with things you need to do around the house anyway (except for riding horses maybe ;)) so it can be a win win! If you make time for something that is fun to you, it will give you energy and keep you feeling motivated and alive.
The Martha challenges for these two days were to clean the carpets and wood/tile/linoleum floors, and clean your bedding and flip your mattress.

I hope you find these suggestions encouraging and inspiring!

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