31 Days To Clean Challenge Day 3

This day was all about how to give life to your home. How to raise your family’s home life above the level of mere existence. There were a list of 10 ways in the 31 Days to Clean book, but I will just share a few of my favorites 🙂

1. Retrain our tongues to give words that encourage, comfort and edify others.

2. Make our homes a place of grace where mistakes and sins are not met with anger but with love and hope.

3. Decorate our homes to make home a place of jewelry. Beauty raises life above the level of mere existence.

4. Play praise or worship music to lift everyone’s spirits. (Even king Saul in the Bible, when the Holy Spirit had left him, was refreshed and calmed by David’s worship.)

5. Ask the Lord, “What areas of our home are causing stress or bringing spiritual/emotional/mental deadness? What can I do to bring life to those places instead to make them a place of refuge?”

What are some other ways you can think of to “bring life” to your home environment?

The Martha challenge was to dust the top of the refrigerator and shelves, and clean and shine the kitchen cabinets. I never think to dust the top of the fridge!! It’s especially important for me to so though because my husband is tall enough to see the top of it every time he walks by. I can’t see it unless I stand on a chair. lol. I don’t want him to see that dusty mess all the time though so I’m trying to remember to keep up with it. 😉