Who Is The Happy Housewife?

My name is Brittany, and I am married to my lifelong friend and love Josh. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams with an amazing husband who loves Him and me and works hard to provide for us and our future. We live in Central Ohio which is farm country and we love it 🙂

Josh and I are looking forward to having children in the future with great anticipation, and I think both of us (me especially!) are learning a bit about contentment and waiting on the Lord. It has been a hard and frustrating journey through miscarriage and learning about health over the last few years. God is good, and we are convinced of His wisdom in delaying blessing us with children, and encouraged for the future.

I am the oldest girl of 9 children, ranging in age from my older brother (27) to my youngest sister (4). I was home-schooled and loved it, and I grew up on a farm. My parent’s taught me to love being a woman and to embrace my femininity, and I am so thankful for that. I believe that God created women with specific gifts which are different than the gifts He gave men. As the Bible says in Genesis 1:18 God made women to be helpers. He gave us the gift of being able to selflessly serve our husbands, children, and others. These days women recoil at the thought of “just” being a wife and helpmeet, but the truth is if they would embrace this calling and all that it includes and requires, they would be more happy and fulfilled than they could ever have imagined. That’s what happens when we do what we were created to do. It’s a lot more than cooking a good dinner, wearing a cute apron and running around with a feather duster. It takes commitment, work, skill, patience and dedication. It also takes quite a bit of learning for most of us.

My goal for this blog is to provide encouragement for young ladies who hope to become wives, and fellow young housewives striving to be godly women and helpmeets, not by telling everyone how perfect I am (haha!) and how to do everything right, but by sharing what I’m learning, things that have encouraged me, and things that inspire me. And hey, if I can encourage a few ladies to return to their homes and embrace their true calling in life….. all the better.

3 thoughts on “Who Is The Happy Housewife?

  1. How great! I am a veteran happy housewife- married to the love of my life for over 20 years. God is good and I have loved staying home and raising my four children. I pray that you will have the children you long for soon!

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